


  1. 时态
  2. 语态(一般是被动语态)
  3. 找不同(就是作对比)
  4. 以一个合理的顺序描述(一般不宜以东西南北这种方式来描述)
  5. 分类综述(哪些地方发生了变化哪些地方没有)


  1. 原有的事物保持不变:

The park will remain unchanged/in its original location.

  1. 被扩大或者被缩小:

扩大:The park expected to be enlarged/expanded/extanded/widened.

缩小:The park is reduced half in size.

  1. 原有的事物没了:

The building is demolished/removed/knocked down.

  1. 新的事物被建立了:

A new building is built/constructed/established/added/erected.

  1. 原有的事物被替换为:

The buildings are converted into/turned into/replaced by/substituted by a park.

The buildings are demolished to make way for a new park.


  1. 对比contrast:

The park will be remain unchanged , while/whereas the playground is expected to be enlarged.

  1. 补充位置描述:

地处:be located in/lie/be situated in/there be

The building , (which is located) in the northeast corner , is demolished.

  1. 补充信息:在这个地方还可以...

The industry was converted into a park, where visitors can have a picnic or barbecue.

  1. 补充信息:with.../现在分词作伴随状语

The park is substantially altered/changed, with the tree being converted into a retirement home.

A new building was built in the northwest, covering/occupying half of the original parking space.

